While there is no state requirement to have your well water tested (although there may be local board of health or mortgage lender requirements) the MassDEP recommends that all homeowners with private wells test for all contaminants of concern initially, then at least once every 10 years. Local Board of Health (BOH) may have additional requirements, such as testing annually for bacteria and nitrates, as the BOH actually regulate private wells.

Water Analysis 1

This package is recommended annually. Monitoring your well on an annual basis can alert you to changes in your well over time. If you test annually and any of the analyses listed change dramatically, you may be able to head off bigger problems in your well.

Sampling Instructions
Total Coliform Nitrate/Nitrite Lead
Ammonia Arsenic Copper

Water Analysis 2

This package will provide a good basis of the water chemistry for the well. It will also give you the information you will need if you want to look into a home treatment system.

Sampling Instructions
Total Coliform Nitrate Fluoride Arsenic Sodium
Ammonia Turbidity Manganese Alkalinity Potassium
pH Specific Conductivity Copper Calcium Sulfate
Iron Lead Hardness Magnesium Chloride

Water Analysis 3

This package is recommended every 3-5 years. Water chemistry can change over time so we recommend testing your well in order to see if things are the same or if things are changing in your well. If you have a treatment system we recommend that you test both the well water and your treated water in order to ensure that your treatment process is performing at its best.

Sampling Instructions
Total Coliform Alkalinity Hardness Calcium
Chloride Fluoride Iron Magnesium
Lead & Copper Manganese Nitrate/Nitrite Sodium
pH Specific Conductance Sulfate Potassium
Arsenic Turbidity Ammonia Selenium

Water Analysis 4

This package offers a very detailed report of what your water may have in it. If you have never had your water tested this may be the package for you. If your well is located near any sort of abandoned industrial site, this is the package for you.

Sampling Instructions
Total Coliform Alkalinity Hardness Chloride Fluoride
Iron Lead Manganese Nitrate/Nitrite pH
Specific Conductance Sulfate Potassium Turbidity Magnesium
Aluminum Sodium Copper Zinc
Arsenic Selenium Calcium Ammonia

Available Analysis Outside of Analysis Packages:
  • Total Coliform / E.coli – Presence/ Absence or Count
  • Lead & Copper
  • Mercury
  • Arsenic
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • PFAS

Be Well Informed (BWI) is an online tool hosted by Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) that allows you to enter your water quality lab results and obtain information regarding any contaminant concentrations that exceed MassDEP or federal standards or guidelines that exist for public drinking water. The tool also provides information about any potential health risks and recommended water treatment options.

Be Well Informed:


Water Quality Analyses are required for the following circumstances:
  • Before a certificate of occupancy is issued for a construction
  • Prior to any sale or transfer of ownership of real estate
  • Whenever a new well/well field is installed for an existing building
What is recommended to analyze for?
  • Total Coliform
  • Alkalinity
  • Hardness
  • Chloride
  • Fluoride
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Manganese
  • Nitrate/Nitrite
  • pH
  • Specific Conductance
  • Sulfate
  • TDS
  • Turbidity
  • VOC (w/MTBE)

Analytical Balance is proud to have quality trained samplers on staff. From sample collection to analysis to helping you understand your results, we can assist you with your private well testing needs.

Please contact the Laboratory at ABProjectManagement@therisegroupinc.com or call at (508) 946-2225 for testing and/or package information. Our Staff is here to help you.

Click on the situations below for some applicable guidance that may help you address issues with your water.

Test for pH, alkalinity, hardness, lead, Copper, iron and manganese, zinc, and cadmium.

Test for coliform bacteria, nitrate, and Sulfate. Test for Copper if blue-green staining is seen around fixtures.

Test for hydrogen sulfide, pH, alkalinity, hardness, Copper, lead, iron, zinc, cadmium, sodium, chloride, and total dissolved solids (TDS).

Test for coliform, nitrate, hydrogen sulfide, Sulfates, and total dissolved solids(TDS). Test for volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Test for color, turbidity and detergents.

Test for sodium, chloride, total dissolved solids (TDS,) and specific conductance.

Test for pesticides commonly applied in the area, coliform, nitrate, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS).

Test for gasoline components, such as MTBE and volatile organic compounds (VOCs- Aromatic Hydrocarbons).

Test for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Test for chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs-Halogenated Hydrocarbons) and heavy metals.

Test for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride, Sulfate, and heavy metals.

Test for coliforms, nitrates, nitrites, sodium, turbidity, and color.