MA DEP does not provide certifications for all tests in all matrices. Although we cannot be certified for every parameter, we continuously apply our rigorous quality program to non-certified parameters
Parameter | Method |
pH | SM4500-H-B |
Specific Conductivity | SM2510B |
Total Dissolved Solids | SM2540C |
Hardness (CACO3), Total | SM2340B |
Alkalinity, Total | SM2320B, EPA 310.2 |
Ammonia -N | EPA 350.1 |
Nitrate - N | EPA 353.2, SM4110B, SM4500-NO3-D |
Nitrite- N | EPA 353.2, SM4110B, SM4500-NO2-B |
Kjeldahl - N | EPA 351.2 |
Orthophosphate | SM4500-P-E, SM4110B |
Phosphorus, Total | SM4500-P-B,E |
Chemical Oxygen Demand | HACH Method 8000 |
Biological Oxygen Demand | SM5210B |
Non-Filterable Residue (TSS) | SM2540D |
Chlorine, Total Residual | SM4500-CL-G |
Oil and Grease | EPA 1664 |
Fluoride | SM 4110B, SM4500-F-C |
Chloride | SM4110B |
Sulfate | SM4110B |
Turbidity | SM2130B |
Tannic Acid | Hach 8193 |
Hexavalent Chromium | SM3500Cr D |
Sulfide | SM4500-S-2 -D |
Surfactants-MBAS | HACH Method TNT874 |
Ferric Iron | Calculation |
Ferrous Iron | HACH Method 8146 |
Arsenic Speciation, AsIII , AsV | EPA 200.8 |
CBOD | |
Free Chlorine | |
Total Solids |